Our SEND Stay & Play is an open play session for children with special educational needs and disabilities under 5. Children have free use of all equipment and must attend with an adult
Wednesdays 12:15-1:15pm
Booking required on the day via WhatsApp 07763 185554 as limited spaces
This session is £5.00 per child which is made by cash or card on arrival. Unlike our other classes, these sessions are term time only and do not run during school and half term holidays.
The centre is locked to the public and only accessible with a code or key. A member of Infinity staff opens the door before each class to allow you to enter.
Payment will need to be made as you arrive
Payment can be made by Cash or Card
Shoes must be removed and put on in the foyer and not in the gym
Background music will be playing when you arrive unless you or someone has requested this to be turned off
Drinks must be off the mats and no food to be consumed in the hall
Please don’t allow the child to help themselves to equipment that isn’t set up on the mats. Please ask a coach or get your child to ask them 😊
Children should be bare foot for the sessions to avoid slipping on equipment
Any photos or videos taken that include other children MUST NOT be posted on any social media platforms or websites
Toilet is opposite the door to our gym (there are no hand dryers - paper towels)
If you require a photo of the gym in advance to prepare your child, please request this via WhatsApp
The gym will be set up differently each week using similar equipment